
How do you rate your stress level at the moment?

  • Low
  • Average
  • High
  • Extremely high

What is your favorite form of physical exercise?

  • Running
  • Yoga
  • Cycling
  • Swimming

Do you prefer coffee or tea?

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Neither

How often do you cook for yourself?

  • Never
  • Rarely
  • Regularly
  • Always

How many hours per day do you spend on work or study?

  • Less than 4 hours
  • 4-8 hours
  • 8-12 hours
  • More than 12 hours

What is your favorite dish?

  • Pasta
  • Sushi
  • Pizza
  • Salad

How many hours per day do you spend on social media?

  • Less than 1 hour
  • 1-2 hours
  • 3-4 hours
  • More than 4 hours

How many hours per week do you spend on volunteer work?

  • Zero
  • 1-2 hours
  • 3-5 hours
  • More than 5 hours

What is your favorite fast-food restaurant?

  • McDonald's
  • Burger King
  • KFC
  • Pizza Hut

What is your favorite type of social activity?

  • Parties
  • Dinners
  • Concerts
  • Sports events

What is your favorite way to relax?

  • Listen to music
  • Read
  • Exercise
  • Watch Netflix

What is your favorite type of dessert?

  • Cake
  • Ice Cream
  • Pudding
  • Chocolate

What is your favorite vacation destination?

  • Beach
  • Mountains
  • City
  • Nature reserve

How many cups of water do you drink per day?

  • Less than 2
  • 2-4
  • 5-7
  • More than 7

How many days per week do you eat meat?

  • Every day
  • 3-4 days
  • 1-2 days
  • Rarely or never

How many times per year do you go on vacation?

  • Never
  • Once
  • Twice
  • More than twice

How often do you read books?

  • Never
  • Occasionally
  • Monthly
  • Weekly

What is your favorite season?

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

What is your favorite sport to watch?

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Golf