Flexible pricing for quizzes that engage and entertain your audience.

Organize unforgettable meetings for less than the price of a cup of coffee per attendee.



Try for free. Upgrade when you are ready.

  • Try most features
  • Play unlimited times
  • Create multiple quizzes
  • Upload images
  • For larger audiences



30 days access to all features. Single payment.

  • All features
  • Play unlimited times
  • Create multiple quizzes
  • Upload images
  • For larger audiences

What's included?

Key features



Maximum live participants

5 20 - 250

Max questions per quiz

Unlimited Unlimited

All question types

Play unlimited times

Create multiple quizzes

Media & images



Upload images

Upload your own images.

Giphy library

Image library

Insert beautiful images provided by Unsplash and Pexels.

Youtube video's

Audio fragments

Quiz question types



Multiple choice

True or false

This or that

Open ended

Correct order

Fill the blanks

Make pairs

Label image

Quiz functions



Live leaderboard

Analyze results

Set points per question

Set timer per question

Sound effects

Track answer progress

Presentation question types



Presentation slides


Live polls

Spinn the wheel

Import presentation slides

Design & branding



Set custom colors

Set custom font, surface and background colors.

Custom background

Custom background upload not possible with free account.

Make default design




Customer support

Priority support only for premium accounts. Free users will still get support.

Create questions with AI

Use our question library

Print handout

Many more features

Use many more features that are not listed in this overview.

Veelgestelde vragen

How is my quiz saved?

If you have an account your quiz is saved to your account on our servers. You can log in from anywhere an access your quizzes and presentations. If you do not have an account your quiz is saved in your current browser. It will only be available on your current device in your current browser. Your quiz will be lost if you are browsing in incognito mode after you close the browser.

How many people can join my quiz?

That depends on the maximum number of participants you select. You can replay the quiz an unlimited number of times but each time a maximum of the number of participants you selected above can participate.

Is this a subscription?

No. You pay only once the price shown above.

Do I receive an invoice?

Yes after payment you will receive an email with the invoice attached.

How can I pay?

We support most modern payment methods such as Creditcard, iDeal, Apple Pay, Giropay, BanContact and more. We do not store any of your payment card details. All payments are securely handled by our international payment provide Stripe.

Is my package automatically renewed?

No you will only pay once. As the expiration date of your package approaches, you can choose to renew your package.

What are your company details?

Classicquiz is a trademark of Galibier Software headquartered in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Our registration number (KvK) is: 85445878

Where is my data stored?

If you have an account your data is stored securely on servers in Europe. Without an account your quiz or presentation is stored in your own browser, you do not have access to it on any other device or browser.